Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.
Family: Malvaceae
Abelmoschus crinitus image
Erect herb, 0.5-1mm, hirsute to strigose with long simple hairs and scattered 2-3-branched hairs throughout; root tuberous. Leaves broadly ovate to rhombic, lowers ones obscurely 3-5-angled, upper more deeply lobed to hastate, 3-9x3-8cm, acute, base cordate to sagitate, margin dentate; petioles 1-6cm; stipules linear, 0.5-1.5cm. Flowers in terminal 2-7-flowered racemes, pedicels 2-3cm. Epicalyx segments 9-10(-16), fre, linear, (1.5-)2-2.5cm. Calyx c 2cm. Petals yellow, sometimeswith red base, 4.5-5(-8)cm. Staminal tube c 2cm, pollen bearing throughout. Fruit ovoid, 3.5-4x2-2-2.5cm, hispid with long yellowish hairs.

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