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Dhan Bahadur Gurung, Ryan J. Thoni, and Michael B. Thomas
Citation: How to cite: Dhan Bahadur Gurung, Ryan J. Thoni and Michael B. Thomas. 2017. Updated Fishes of Bhutan Checklist. College of Natural Resources. Punakha, Bhutan. http://www.bhutanbiodiversity.net/, accessed yyyy-mm-dd.
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Locality: Bhutan (27.332740, 90.439450) Abstract: In this checklist of the Fishes of Bhutan, 98 (109 reported) species from 20 (24 reported) families are recorded. Color photographs of specimens are provided for most species for field identification. Locality information is given for each record in order to provide distributional data for future monitoring. Given the complexity of the taxonomy of many species, and lack of voucher and type specimens from past records, detailed studies have to be conducted to further resolve some of the difficult to determine fishes in Bhutan. This checklist is therefore likely an underestimate of the true freshwater fish diversity of the country. This highlights the need for more extensive freshwater fish surveys to be carried out throughout Bhutan. References: Thoni, R.J., D.B. Gurung and R.L. Mayden. 2016. A review of the genus Garra Hamilton 1822 of Bhutan, including the descriptions of two new species and three additional records (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa 4169(1): 115–132. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4169.1.5. Gurung, Dhan Bahadur and Ryan J. Thoni. 2015. Fishes of Bhutan: A Preliminary Checklist. Kuensel Publishing ltd, Thimphu, Bhutan. Thimphu, Bhutan. 98 p. Thoni, R.J. and D.B. Gurung. 2014. Parachiloglanis bhutanensis, a new species of torrent catfish (Siluriformes:Sisoridae) from Bhutan. Zootaxa. 2014 Oct 1;3869(3):306-12. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3869.3.5. Gurung, Dhan Bahadur, Sangay Dorji, Ugyen Tshering and Jigme T. Wangyal. 2013. An annotated checklist of fishes from Bhutan. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 5(14): 4880–4886. Notes: Project supported by the United States Fulbright Scholar Program, Washington, D.C. (2017). The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.
97 (species rank)
Total Taxa:
97 (including subsp. and var.)
Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang); Dhan Bahadur Gurung s.n. [CNR]
Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Anguilla bengalensis (Gray, 1831) - rajabam
Locality: Nyera-amachhu in Samdrup Jongkhar, Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang), Maokhola in Sarpang and Dhamdum in Samtse. Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar and Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang); Dhan Bahadur Gurung s.n. [CNR]
Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Nyera-amachhu in Samdrup Jongkhar and Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang). No materials were collected. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Serichhu in Salamji (Dagana) and Manas in Panpang (Zhemgang) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Dagachhu in Dagana Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: In aquaculture in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Kalikhola in Sarpang Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Sarpang Locality: Crocodile farm in Phuntsholing (Chukha) Locality: Singhikhola in Phuntsholing (Chukha) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Introduced for aquaculture in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Sewerage tank and Toorsa in Phuntsholing (Chukha). No materials were collected. Locality: Sarpang Locality: Dagachhu in Dagana Locality: Introduced for aquaculture in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Introduced for aquaculture in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Maokhola in Sarpang Locality: Dakpaichhu in Zhemgang Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Serichu at Salamji (Dagana) Locality: Sarpang. Reported from central and southern Bhutan by Thoni, R.J., Gurung, D.B. and Mayden, R.L. (2016). Locality: Punatsangchhu in Wangdue Phodrang and Tsirang. Reported from central and southern Bhutan by Thoni, R.J., Gurung, D.B. and Mayden, R.L. (2016). Locality: Punatsangchhu in Wangdue Phodrang Locality: Amochhu in Phuntsholing (Chukha) Locality: Dhamdum in Samtse Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Amochhu in Phuntsholing (Chukha) Locality: Introduced in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Introduced in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Budichhu in Tsirang Locality: Introduced in Sarpang and Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Sarpang Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Dhamdum in Samtse, Dikchhu in Wangdue Phodrang and Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Introduced in cold water hatchery at Haa (Norbu 2013) Locality: Crocodile farm in Phuntsholing (Chukha) Reported from Preliminary report on Freshwater Biodiversity in Wangchuck Centennial Park, Bumthang. WWF Bhutan, Bumthang. Reported from eastern Bhutan, two headwater tributaries of the Dangmechhu River in the Brahmaputra drainage, by Thoni, R.J. and D.B. Gurung (2014). Locality: Dakpaichhu in Zhemgang Locality: Kalikhola in Sarpang Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Dakpaichhu in Zhemgang Locality: Dhamdum in Samtse Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Chamkharchhu in Bumthang Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Singhikhola in Puntsholing (Chukha) Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Serichhu in Salamji (Dagana) Locality: Punatsangchhu in Punakha, Dikchhu in Wangdue Phodrang and Rangchoechhu in Gakiling (Ha) Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) Locality: Diglai in Samdrup Jongkhar and Kalikhola in Sarpang Reported by Dubey (1978), Dhendup & Boyd (1994), Petr (1999), and Bhattarai & Thinley (2005), so no material was examined. Locality: Headwaters of Pachhu in Jangothang (Paro) and Mochhu in Lingshi (Thimphu) Locality: Manas in Panbang (Zhemgang) |