Family: Hydnaceae
Chey Shamong,  more...
Hydnum repandum image
National Mushroom Centre  
Mata, M., D. Penjor and S. Pradham. 2010. Fungi of Bhutan. National Mushroom Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Local name: Chey Shamong

Edibility: Edible.

Habitat: Terrestrial and solitary to gregarious.

Description: Cap: 2-10 cm diameter, convex-depressed, surface fibrillose, pale orange-cream, margin smooth, enrolled todecurved. Hymenophore: Teeth of the con- colour to the cap surface, up to 0.5 cm long. Stem: 210 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, equal, position central to eccentric, surface fibrillose con-colour to the cap surface. Flesh: Whitish-cream, sometimes discolouring yellowish when bruised. Spore Print: White.

Comments: The fleshy consistency and orange-cream colour of the fruit body and consisting of prominent teeth are diagnostic in identifying this species. H. repandum is a popular edible species but it is usually found in small quantity here in Bhutan therefore not eaten.