Leotia lubrica (Scop.) Pers.
Family: Leotiaceae
Jelly Babies
Leotia lubrica image
National Mushroom Centre  
Mata, M., D. Penjor and S. Pradham. 2010. Fungi of Bhutan. National Mushroom Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Local name: No local name known

Edibility: Unknown

Habitat: Gregarious and terrestrial among mosses.

Description: Cap: 1-3 cm in diameter, variable in shape but more or less convex, convoluted with a smooth or slightly wrinkled surface, sticky or slimy when fresh, but sometimes drying out, the margin enrolled, buff brownish yellow or greenish yellow. Under side: Yellowish smooth and pale. Stem: 2-8 cm tall, up to 1 cm wide, smooth or finely roughened, more or less equal, sticky or slimy when fresh, con-colour to the cap or paler, hollow or filled with jelly. Flesh: Gelatinous when fresh. Spore Print: White.

Comments:  Beside texture, Leotia lubrica is characterized by a yellowish, viscid (when moist) cap with an enrolled margin. The stem is con-colours with the cap but usually brighter, and is finely scaled. Closely related are Leotia viscosa, which has an olive to dark-green cap and a yellowish to buff coloured stem.