Amanita hemibapha var. ochracea Zhu L. Yang
Family: Amanitaceae
Ochraceous Half-Dyed Slender Caesar
Amanita hemibapha var. ochracea image
National Mushroom Centre  
Mata, M., D. Penjor and S. Pradham. 2010. Fungi of Bhutan. National Mushroom Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Local name: Gongsey Shamong

Edibility: Edible

Habitat: Terrestrial and scattered to gregarious.

Description: Cap: Up to 20 cm diameter, convex to plano-convex, umbonate, glabrous, and brown over disc, ochraceous to yellow toward the margin. The cap margin is tuberculate-striate and the context is white. Hymenophore: Free gills, crowded, white, with yellowish brown edges. Stem: 10-18 cm tall and 1-2 cm wide, tapering towards the apex, surface whitish to yellowish, with yellowish brown to yellowish squamules. Annulus: Yellowish and membranous. Volva: Saccate and membranous and whitish. Flesh: Whitish. Spore Print: White.

Comments: Amanita hemibapha var. ochracea, belongs to the Amanita caesarea group by their macroscopic features and is known as "chicken egg". This name was given because in the early stages of development it is egg shaped and is covered by a white membrane which is also true for local name “Gongsay”, but shows part of the colour of the cap. It differs from A. hemibapha red by the yellow ochre of the fruiting body.