Spathularia flavida Pers.
Family: Cudoniaceae
Yellow Earth Tongue
Spathularia flavida image
National Mushroom Centre  
Mata, M., D. Penjor and S. Pradham. 2010. Fungi of Bhutan. National Mushroom Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Local name: No local name known

Edibility: Edible

Habitat: Scatted to gregarious and growing on humus or rotten wood.

Description: Fruiting Bodies: Roughly spatula-shaped, with a flattened head portion at the top of a stem, usually running down the stem on either side of it, the head portion up to 3 cm across, light yellow,  fairly smooth. Stem: 5- 10 cm tall and up to 1 cm thick, whitish to yellowish, with white to yellow basal mycelium. Flesh: Thin and whitish. Spore Print: Yellowish brown.

Comments: This spatula-shaped mushroom is separated from the similar Spathulariopsis velutipes by virtue of its smooth (rather than fuzzy) and yellowish (rather than brown) stem. Under the microscope, its longer spores also distinguish it. As with other members of the Cudoniaceae family, the spores are long and needle-like, and are packed into the asci side by side.