Agaricus augustus Fr.
Family: Agaricaceae
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Agaricus augustus image
National Mushroom Centre  
Mata, M., D. Penjor and S. Pradhan. 2010. Fungi of Bhutan. National Mushroom Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.
Local name: No local name known

Edibility: Edible

Habitat: Solitary or sometimes gregarious and terrestrial.

Description: Cap: 2-7 cm, has brownish fibrillose scales on white background, feels rough due to the presence of scales on the cap surface, convex slowly expanding to plane, context of the cap is 0.1-0.5 cm thick. Hymenophore: Grey-purplish gills when young which turn dark brown at maturity, crowded when young and close as it matures, smooth gill margin. Stem:  3.4-4.5 cm long, 0.8 cm at the apex, 1.1 cm in the middle and 0.6 cm at the base of the stem, white scaly and white powdery on the surface of the stem. Flesh: Whitish flesh which turns brownish when exposed to the air. Spore Print: Rusty brown to blackish.

Comments: It has brown fibrils or scales, a prominent annulus, chocolate- brown spores, and a shaggy stem which is usually buried in the ground. The poisonous A. praeclaresquamosus is often common in the same habitats, but has greyer cap fibrils, a smoother stem, and smells like phenol.