Repatriated Data - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Herbarium Catalogue (RBGE-E)

6481 specimen records. RBGE's extensive Herbarium numbers nearly three million specimens representing half to two thirds of the world's flora. It is considered a leading botanical collection, and every year many researchers from around the world visit to study our specimens in a well-designed and user-friendly setting.
Contact: Michael B. Thomas, Data Curator (
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 20 February 2018
Usage Rights: CC0 1.0 (Public-domain)
Rights Holder: Public Domain
Collection Statistics:
  • 4 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
  • 2 (50%) identified to species
  • 2 families
  • 1 genera
  • 1 species
  • 1 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics