Repatriated Data - University of Tokyo Herbarium (JAP-TI)
The Herbarium of the University of Tokyo (TI) is the oldest herbarium in Japan, founded in 1877 when the University of Tokyo was established. TI keeps ca. 170 million specimens, mainly collected from East Asia (Japan, Korean Peninsula, North-east China, Taiwan, etc.) and the Himalaya and adjacent regions (Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, South-west China, etc.). Many type specimens (more than 20,000 specimens) are included in the collection.
The specimens are separated and housed into two institutions: one is the University Museum (TI-UM), keeping specimens belonging to Monocotyledons and Choripetalae of Angiospermae, and another is the Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Science (TI-BG), keeping specimens belonging to Pteridophytes, Gymnospermae, and Sympetalae of Angiospermae. Specimens of lichens and Bryophytes are permanently on loan to the Herbarium of National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo (TNS), and specimens of Algae are on loan to the Herbarium of the University Museum, Hokkaido University (SAP).
Contact: Curator
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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
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Usage Rights: CC0 1.0 (Public-domain)
Herbarium, University of Tokyo University Museum 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan [81] 3 5841 2838 Collection Statistics: