Rinchen Yangzom and Michael B. Thomas
Citation: How to cite: Rinchen Yangzom and Michael B. Thomas. 2017. Lichen and Lichenicolous Fungi of Bhutan. National Herbarium, National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture. Serbithang, Thimphu, Bhutan. http://www.bhutanbiodiversity.net/, accessed yyyy-mm-dd.
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Locality: Bhutan (27.332740, 90.439450) Abstract: Lichens are a conspicuous element of the biodiversity found throughout Bhutan, with a potentially rich alpine flora. Specimens from Bhutan are however only rarely mentioned in monographs, and only two lichenological publications exist in which the country appears in the title (Kashiwadani, 1988; Upreti and Ranjan, 1988), and the first only reports one species (Ramalina hossei), the second 46 macrolichens. In 1999, Ulrik Söchting collected in Bhutan, and published a paper online (Söchting, 1999) citing 21 lichen species from Bhutan. All published lichen reports from Bhutan are mentioned below with their respective references, so as to make the checklist complete. In general, lichen collections have been limited to the Dzongkhags of Thimphu, Paro, Punakha and Wangdue Phodrang. Notes: Project supported by the United States Fulbright Scholar Program, Washington, D.C. (2017). The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.
284 (species rank)
Total Taxa:
284 (including subsp. and var.)
Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Possibly an undescribed species with rather large (7 x 5 !lm) ascospores, ca. 50/ascus, paraphyses and excipulum greenish, branched and more or less inspersed and hypothecium black Thimphu, Phajoding, lichenicolous on Hypogymnia hypotrypa. Paro, Chilaila, on soil in alpine area. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Phajoding and Phobjika, on soil. Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola and Chela, on soil. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola and Dochola-Tashigang, on soil. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola, on soil. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola and Lungtenphu, on soil. Paro, Chilaila, on soil in alpine area. Previously reported from Bhutan by Sochting (1999). Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on tree. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on branch. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Lungtenphu and Serbithang, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees and wood. Thimphu, Dochola and Lungtenphu, on trees. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, Chilaila, Khasadrapchung, Lungtenphu and S, Rather common. Chela and Chilaila, on soil, One of the few crustose alpine species restricted to the Himalayas. Thimphu, Khasadrapchung, on Cupressus. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola and Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Chela, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in our material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201702 [THIM]
Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dolong-Tango, Chela, Phajoding, Pomela, Serbithang, Rather common.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201634/A [THIM]
below Dolong, Dolong-Tango, Lungtenphu and Serbith, Rather common, usually on rotten tree. Paro, Chilaila, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Lawala, Phajoding, Phobjika, Rather common, near bird observatory hut. Thimphu, Serbithang, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in our material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201612 [THIM]
Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in our material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201701 [THIM]
Thimphu, Khasadrapchung, on soil. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Amrino, Gogona, Lungtenphu and Phajoding, on soil. Present in two chemical varieties. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in our material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201705 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Lungtenphu, on soil. Thimphu, Tashigang, on soil. This species is treated here in a chemically wide sense. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Gogona, Khasadrapchung, Lungtenphu and Tashigang, Rather common. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Lungtenphu and Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988).; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201613 [THIM]
Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Lawala, Serbithang and Tashigang, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Gogona, Lungtenphu, Phajoding and Phobjika, on soil. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Lungtenphu, Lawala, Phobjika, Serbithang and Tashi, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988, as C. pityrea). Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Tashigang, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988 as C. nemoxyna). Thimphu, Dochola, Lungtenphu, Phajoding and above Serbithan, on soil.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201704 [THIM]
Thimphu, Dochola and Lungtenphu, on soil. Paro, Chilaila, on soil. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola and Phajoding, Rather common, on soil. Thimphu, Phajoding and above Serbithang, on trees and rock. Punakha, Amrimo, on rock. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Thimphu, Serbithang, on rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Dolong-Tango, Lawala, Lungtenphu, Serbithan, Rather common, on trees and shrubs. Punakha,, Amrino, on tree. Thimphu, Dolong-Tango, Lungtenphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, ab, Rather common, on trees and rock.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201622 [THIM]
Punakha, Amrimo, on soil. Punakha, Amrimo, on branch. Paro, Chilaila, on tree. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela and Dolong-Tango, on trees and rock. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Phajoding, Phajoding-Chokhortse and Lung, Rather common, on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Bajo, on tree. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dolong-Tango, below Dolong, Lawala, Phajoding-Chok, Rather common, on trees.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201608 [THIM]
Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. An unexpected species with aeruginose campylidia with conidia ca. 5 x 3 lm, unidentifiable due to the lack of apothecia. Bajo, Chilaila, Dochola & Lungtenphu, Rather common on trees. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola, on mosses. Thimphu, Serbithang, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree trunks and branches. Thimphu, Dochola and Dolong-Tango, on tree trunks and branches. Thimphu, Dochola, rather common on branches. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on mosses. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola and Dolong-Tango, on tree trunks and branches. Reported from Bhutan by S Paro, ChilaiIa, In high altitudes only, on soil. Reported from Bhutan by S Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola, Khasadrapchung and Lungtenphu, on trees. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Serbithang, on branches. Paro, Chilaila, on soil in alpine area. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. So far only known from India (Lumbsch et al. 1996). Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong and Phobjika, Rather common, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, Khasadrapchung, Lungtenphu and Wangli, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by S Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Thimphu, Docholo area, on tree trunk. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Lungtenphu and Phobjika, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Dochola, on wood, Apparently new to the Himalayas. Paro, Chilaila, on pebbles. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Thimphu, Above Serbithang, on tree. Punakha, Amrimo, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, and Phajoding-Chokhortse, where it is abundant on trees. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Gogona and Serbithang, Rather common, on trees. Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common on nearly all localities, mostly on trees but also on rock.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201618 [THIM]
Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common on nearly all localities, mostly on trees but also on rock. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, Dochola, below Dolong, Dolong-Tango, Phajo, Rather common.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201646 [THIM]
Punakha, Amrimo, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988).; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201650 [THIM]
Belong Dolong and Lungtenphu, on trees. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Gogona and Phajoding-Chokhortse, Rather common, on trees.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201627 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Lawala, Phobjika,, Rather common, on trees. Thimphu, Above Serbithang, on tree. Reported from Bhutan by S Punakha, Amrimo, on rock. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on smooth-barked tree. A cosmopolitan species not previously recorded from Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Apparently new to the Himalayas, but doubtlessly overlooked. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dolong-Tango, Khasadrapchung, Lawala, Phajoding, P, Rather common, on trees, rock and soil. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Amrimo, Lawala, Phajoding-Chokhortse and above Ser, Rather common, on trees, rock and soil. Thimphu, Dochola and above Serbithang, on trees. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, Gogona and Phajodong, Rather common, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Phajoding, on rock. A rarely reported taxon endemic to the Himalayas that might need recognition at species level. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Thimphu, Phajoding, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Described from Bhutan by ]orgensen (2001). Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chilaila, Dochola and above Serbithang, on trees. Rather common. Thimphu, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Khasadrapchung, Phajoding-C, on trees. Rather common. Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chilaila, Dochola, Gogona, Phajoding and Se, Common Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Lawala and Phajoding-Chokhortse, on trees. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Reported from Bhutan by S Reported from Bhutan by Randlane et al. (2002). Not found in our material. Reported from Bhutan by S Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, below Dolong, Lawala, Phajoding-Chokhorts, Rather common. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chilaila, Chela and Phajoding, on trees. Paro, Chilaila, on Rhododendron. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Dochola, Gogona and Phajoding, Rather common, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Randlane et al. (2002). Not found in our material. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988 as Cetraria). Not found in our material. Paro, Chilaila, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by S Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common in all localities, Common in all localities on various substrates. Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common in all localities, Common in all localities on various substrates. Wangdue Phodrang, Lawala, on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Lungtenphu, Phobjika, Rather common, near bird observatory hut. Thimphu, Lungtenphu and Serbithang, on trees, with apothecia, which is infrequent in this species. Thimphu, Serbithang, on tree. Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on tree. Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong, Lawala, Po, Rather common. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988).; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201660 [THIM]
Wangdue Phodrang, Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela and Dochola, on trees. Identity not fully certain Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong, Gogona, Lawala, P, Rather common, mostly on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Chela, Lawala and Phobjika, on trees and rock. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Dochola, on branches. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Gogona, Phobjika, Serbithang and Tashigan, on trees and rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chailila, Dochola and above Serbithang, on trees and rock. Punakha, Amrimo, Chela and below Dolong, on trees and soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Lawala, on tree. below Dolong, Dochola and Lawala, Rather common and locally abundant. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, below Dolong, Lungtenphu, Phobjika and Se, Common and locally abundant, mostly on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Randlane et al. (2002). Not found in the present material. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. New to the Himalayas Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Dochola- Tashigang, on rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Chela and Chilaila, on rock. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola and Phajoding-Chokhortse, on trees. A conspicuous species, endemic to the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dolong-Tango and above Serbithang, on trees. Apparently new to the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola, below Dolong, Dolong-Tango, Phajoding and, Rather common, on rock. Thimphu, Tashigang, on tree. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Amrimo, Bajo, Lungtenphu and Serbithang, on rock, tree trunks and branches. Punakha, Amrimo, on rock. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dolong-Tango and Gogona, on trees. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, Lungtenphu and Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on rock. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988 as Parmelia). Punakha, Amrimo, on rock. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Amrimo and Bajo, on branches and rock. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chilaila and Dochola, on trees. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on trees. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, Dolong Tango and Phajoding-Chokhortse, on trees and rock. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Amrimo, Bajo, Khasadrapchung and Lungtenphu, Rather common, on trees and rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Gogona, Phajoding-Ch, Rather common, on trees.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201648 [THIM]
Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Dochola and Lawala, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by S Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Tashigang, on Rhododendron. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Lawala, Phajoding-Chokhortse and above S, on trees. Bajo, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong and Dolong-T, on tree trunks and branches. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in the present material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201653 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, below Dolong, Gogona and Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on trees. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Lawala and Tashigang, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201655 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, below Dolong and Lungtenphu, on trees. Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common on nearly all localities, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988) and S; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201620 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong, Lawala and Tashig, Rather common, on trees. Below Dolong, Gogona and Phajoding, on trees. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in the present material.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201619 [THIM]
Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Not found in the present material. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Reported from Bhutan by Upreti and Ranjan (1988). Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola, Phajoding-Chokhortse Serbithang and above, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Lawala, Phajoding and Phajoding-Chokhortse, on tree and soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Chela, on soil in forest. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Dochola, Lawala and above Serbithang, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola, on soil. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola, Serbithang and above Serbithang, on trees and soil. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Lungtenphu, on soil. Thimphu, Dochola and Khasadrapchung, on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Chela and Lawala, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. Not previously reported from the Himalayas, but this sterile taxon has probably been overlooked. Thimphu, Serbithang, on soil. Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Lungtenphu, Serbithang and Bajo, Rather common, on braches and shrubs. Thimphu, Paro, Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Common in nearly all localities, on various substrates. Punakha, Amrimo, on rock. Punakha, Amrimo, on branch Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Lungtenphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse and Phobjika, on rock. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Lungtenphu, on rock. Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, Chela and Tashigang, Rather rare. Wangdue Phodrang, Gogona, on rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Dochola, Lungtenphu and Serbithang, Rather common, on trees, soil and rock. Paro, Chilaila, on Rhododendron. Thimphu, Dochola, Khasadrapchung and Lungtenphu, on Cupressus and other trees. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Amrimo, Bajo, Lungtenphu and above Serbithang, Rather common, on trees and rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chilaila, Chela, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Lawala, Se, Rather common. Wangdue Phodrang, Bajo, on branches. Paro, Chilaila, on branches. Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Amrimo, Dochola, Gogona, Lungtenphu, Phajoding and, Rather common, on trees and rock.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201641 [THIM]
Wangdue Phodrang, Paro, Thimphu, Chela, Chilaila, Dochola, Lungtenphu and above Ser, on trees and rock. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Bajo, on branches. Thimphu, Serbithang, on branches. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Thimphu, Serbithang, on rock. Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on tree. Wangdue Phodrang, Lawala, on rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on rock. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, below Dolong, Phajoding, Phajoding-Chokhor, Rather common, on trees and rock. Punakha, Thimphu, Amrimo, Lungtenphu, Serbithang and above Serbithan, on trees and rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on tree. Thimphu, Dochola, on wood. Not previously reported from the Himalayas, but probably overlooked or confused Thimphu, Dochola, on branch. Apparently new to the Himalayas, but doubtlessly overlooked. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Thimphu, Phajoding, on tree. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Thimphu, Dochola, on tree. Not previously reported from the Himalayas. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila and Dochola, on trees. Sterile, but rather conspicuous with white-felty, deeply liner-divided lobes. Thimphu, Tashigang, on tree. Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong, Dolong-Tango, Law, Rather common, near bird observatory hut, above Serbithang.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201669 [THIM]
Paro, Thimphu, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Dochola, below Dolong, Dolong-Tango, Law, Rather common, near bird observatory hut, above Serbithang.; D.K. Upreti and M. Ranjan 201621 [THIM]
Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Amrimo, Chela, Chilaila, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Lu, Rather common, on trees and shrubs. Paro, Chilaila, on tree. Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Dochola, Dolong-Tango, Tashigang and Thi, Rather common, on trees and branches. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on smooth-barked trees. So far only known from eastern North America, representing a considerable range extension. Thimphu, Dochola, on trees. This is the first report of this species from the Northern Hemisphere. Wangdue Phodrang, Chela and Gogona, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Gogona, on soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Gogona, Pomela and Serbithang, Phajoding, on soil. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila, Gogona, Phobjika and Pomela, Rather common, on rock and soil. Wangdue Phodrang, Pomela, on soil. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. Reported from Bhutan by S Reported from Bhutan by S Paro, Thimphu, Chilaila, Phajoding-Chokhortse and Serbithang, on branches and on mosses in alpine area Wangdue Phodrang, Bajo, on branches. Thimphu, Serbithang, on branches. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on tree. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on pebbles. Reported from Bhutan by S Wangdue Phodrang, Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on tree. Thimphu, Serbithang, on branches. Thimphu, Serbithang, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, on rock. Thimphu, Dochola, Lungtenphu and Tashigang, on wood, soil and mosses. Part of the material is non-sorediate but richly fertile. Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chela, Phajoding-Chokhortse and above Serbithang, Iichenicolous on respectively Lobaria pindarensis, Lobaria kurokawae and Sticta praetextata on trees. Wangdue Phodrang, Bajo, lichenicolous on Parmotrema austrosinense. Thimphu, Dochola, on mosses. Only the squamulose thallus found, not the basidiocarps. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Chilaila and Pobjika, near bird observatory huton rock. Wangdue Phodrang, Phobjika, near bird observatory hut, on rock. Paro, Wangdue Phodrang, Thimphu, Chilaila, Chela, Dolong-Tango and Phajoding, Rather common, on rock. Thimphu, Tashigang, on rock. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Thimphu, Lungtenphu, on rock. Thimphu, Phajoding-Chokhortse, on tree. Paro, Chilaila, on rock. |